We believe...
that the most important of all riches is People: so it follows that all our communication reflects the value our business places on Humanity, as well as our Purpose. This Purpose is conveyed by everyone: our Teammates, our Customers, our Neighbours, our Partners, etc., and related by their own experiences with our products and services.We support...
our Men and Women who, together, are driving forward a project for the benefit of sports enthusiasts in their area: our communication conveys and amplifies their actions and their words, honestly and openly.We talk to...
any “opinion multiplier” *, whether from the media, journalism, government/organisations/institutions, or individuals, always seeking to prioritise local contacts: our communication is aimed at them, and is designed to make their lives easier. We are opening our doors to these contacts, introducing them to our teams, our “do-ers”, attached to a particular store, a site, a city or a conurbation.
(*). The issue is very much one of multipliers and not leaders. In our eyes, Opinion Multipliers are local representatives who listen to those working in a particular area, and who put this into a more global perspective. Their role is therefore very different to that of an opinion “Leader”, who works for the national press and in information verticality, and is aligned with existing and predominant political, educational, social models.