Co-creation DECATHLON
Together, let's devise creative responses to the challenges issued by the government


In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Ministry of the Armed Forces has launched a call for proposals with the aim of finding some pragmatic, innovative and deployable responses capable of curbing the spread of the virus and improving the daily life of the country's citizens, along with the treatment conditions for patients and medical/car workers.
While COVID-19 presents a real challenge for medical teams, responses in terms of organisation and ingenious products are also required. We believe in the power of collective intelligence, and have decided to make our co-creation platform available to you for this purpose.
The aim is to make it easier for each participant to take part in this huge collective effort!
All of this is happening extremely quickly, and in several stages:
- Firstly, we strated with our pathfinder campaign:gather as many ideas as possible!
- At the same time, we've been working on grouping ideas to help concepts emerge.
These concepts have been assessed by a panel of experts, who will award a score based on the following four evaluation criteria: benefit, feasibility, timeframe and desirability.
The best concepts have been grouped here by category. The ideas are incredibly useful, and it's vital that these projects see the light of day, with or without the DIA (Defence Innovation Agency)
The idea now is to quickly find legal entities capable of navigating the necessary procedures within the Ministry of Armed Forces and/or to implement these concepts for widespread roll-out.
We will give our outmost support to each project initiator, including giving access to raw data from the project, or contacts to deploy solutions.
Don't hesitate to contact us:
Protective solutions for medical/care workers and everyone else

Protective mask, made by appropriating sports products
Transform a snood / neck warmer into a protective mask. Adapt it by adding a filter that is either re-usable or interchangeable. DIY – you can do this at home.
In terms of the filter, the idea of using an existing fabric like GoreTex or novadry is basically redundant. The ideal component will need to be identified by the project initiator.
RAPHAEL: “One solution would be to use Decathlon neck warmers or snoods with the possibility of adapting an interchangeable nanoparticle filter and a stock of interchangeable filters, as well as a rigid system above to adapt the visors for hospital environments.”
DAHLIA: “Instead of the traditional blue mask, I'm visualising the snood that I use regularly for sport or when it's cold. It could be padded out in certain places.”
“Masks for everyone are indispensable if we want a quick end to confinement”
Protective solutions for medical/care workers and everyone else

Reusable protective mask
Design and produce a personal protective mask to fit individual morphologies, and which is comfortable to wear, suitable for a range of sporting activities and durable.
NATHALIE: “A 'basic' mask offers no protection to the person wearing it (only an FFP2 does this), but it does protect other people. To alleviate the chronic shortage of masks in France, we will urgently need to make masks from fabric: cotton that is washable at a minimum of 60° (a lower temperature will not ensure that the virus is killed) or that can be wiped with bleach."
“Would it be possible to have a product that is washable or that can be disinfected after being used many times. It's not very easy to talk wearing a mask. It is important that the mask does not come into contact with the mouth, so that air through the nostrils is directed towards the bottom of the chin, which will also help to reduce condensation."
“The issue of sterilisation at home is a complex one – what percentage of bleach to water? How much steam time? How do we handle things that could be contaminated, without contaminating ourselves?”
Protective solutions for medical/care workers and everyone else

Protective gown for medical/care workers
Design and produce an integral protective gown that is re-usable and suitable for prolonged use in a hospital environment (comfort, breathability, etc.).
FLORENT: “Upcycling: source textile waste with a minimum surface area of 1900 x 750, used to make DECATHLON tents (even if the nesting would need to be optimised, I imagine), in order to produce the gowns. 3 cut lines are adequate + one in dotted lines so as to be able to tear it off when taking off a contaminated gown.
FREDERIC: “We can design an outfit similar to work overalls but fully open at the back, the arms, the torso and the legs. Held together by quick fastening elasticated hooks. An overall with integrated mask and gloves. It could also be washable instead of disposable – to be discussed.”
“Current need (crisis) but then ongoing need afterwards”,
“Identify the right fabric vs breathability and washability”
Protective solutions for medical/care workers and everyone else

Protective visor
Design and produce a protective visor with as basic a design as possible, that's easy to manufacture and is reusable. Perhaps basing it on one that you can find at home.
“The issue of sterilisation at home is a complex one – what percentage of bleach to water? How much steam time? How do we handle things that could be contaminated, without contaminating ourselves?”
Ensure that everyone maintains a safe distance

Signage and markings on the floor in physical spaces
The idea here is to put forward several concrete, pragmatic solutions for physical spaces that could help people assess and respect the safety distances. A 1.5m x 1.5m grid on the ground would ensure that they were adhered to if accompanied by a simple message: Only 1 person per square. Floor markings every metre in the checkout queue would also help to ensure compliance.
“In confinement periods, travel is only permitted where strictly necessary: for shopping, to go to work, etc. We could mark out a whole space with 2m x 2m grids using tape. If we said that no one should be less than one grid away from someone else, this would serve as an adequate marker to determine whether you were getting too close to someone else or whether they were too close to you, and give people the opportunity to point it out. In order to prevent people getting in each other's way, we could create traffic flows for narrow aisles, like with one-way streets. This is a solution we can implement right away. We can even do something light-hearted disguised as a chess piece. “Checkmate to Covid-19” Adrien
“Systematic signage in all checkout queues, generally reduce shopping trolley access = one person only.” Chrystel
*NB: this idea is very often cited among co-creators as a simple and effective solution. However, they also highlight the need for viable solutions for the sight-impaired.
The panel’s favourite concept! Particularly given that it can be implemented quickly using basic resources
“To be implemented straight away for those with fixed workstations.”
“Can be rolled out to sites, store exits and narrow areas on pavements.”
Ensure that everyone maintains a safe distance

Managing people flows in physical spaces
The 2nd concept selected also relates to physical spaces. It is split into 2 separate ideas. The first is to set up a counter at the entrance to the space, and show, using colour coding, the number of people inside (red: too many people; green: few people). This could help people to assess quickly whether they should enter or wait a bit until the space empties.
The second idea relates to places that need to manage heavy flows (particularly supermarkets), and involves setting up timeslots (like drive-thru click and collect services) to collect your order. Before coming to do their shopping, people would pick a timeslot, enabling the premises to properly manage its flows.
“Extending the scheduling systems for supermarket drive-thru click and collect services to other supermarkets and essential retailers: I just need to select my day and timeslot to go to the store. At the entrance, I show the number I’ve been issued, as means of identification. -> Each retailer / organisation can regulate the number of people per timeslot in line with their own particular capacity."” Camille
“Have sensors at the store entrance to detect whether people are inside. This could help people to see if their nearest store is green (few people: off you go), orange, or red (abort mission!)" Anouk
The concept is extremely popular with the panel and across all criteria, particularly because it’s based on existing solutions and requires little effort on the part of individuals.
“timeslot counter at store entrance => traffic regulated by collectiveness rather than individuals"
Ensure that everyone maintains a safe distance

One way traffic flows in the streets
The idea is simple: to introduce a one-way system (used for streets) so as to prevent congestion, and to help manage safety distances as efficiently as possible.
The one-way street system can also be applied to physical spaces (like in IKEA)
“One-way pavements. When we leave our homes, we all take the same streets and pavements – which are sometimes too narrow to be able to pass each other safely and respect safety distances. We are suggesting that pavements should be designated as one-way systems. If we all walk on the right-hand pavements, we won’t meet anyone and will therefore be able to respect safety distances more easily.”
Louise, Antoine and Hugo
*NB: this idea is often cited by co-creators, whether about indoor or outdoor spaces
The concept is very popular with the panel! But, all the same, they emphasise the need to be disciplined.
“One-way traffic systems can help optimise flows and minimise proximity when meeting. It’s a good idea.”
“Simple yet effective. Could be formally introduced for deconfinement."
Ensure that everyone maintains a safe distance

Communication campaign
Several co-creators have highlighted the need for mass communication and to educate people on the minimum safe distance between individuals. But one idea shone through – suggesting a light-hearted communication campaign that focused on a “freedom” space rather than a “safety” space.
“Changing the way we look at “Safety distances”. Behind this rather brutal term lies a means to save lives, which clearly has nothing brutal about it. One of the reasons why we hate putting distance between ourselves is because we are born of a tactile culture. We love to exchange kisses and put our hands on our friends' shoulders. A culture that defends its freedoms, and that therefore struggles to cope with being restricted. So, what if we changed the way we thought about safety distances? We are suggesting an awareness-raising campaign that aims to depict the safety distance not as a restriction on friendliness but rather a "freedom" distance that allows everyone to move around, talk and - basically - live, by helping to slow down the spread of the virus.” Louise, Antoine and Hugo
The panel find the communication campaign very interesting and complementary to the institutional communication posts.
“Existing communications in the medias. Rather an intensification on the radio and TV.”
“Yes, media plugging!"
Ensure that everyone maintains a safe distance

Light projection to mark out personal safety space
This concept was born of a collection of ideas! The co-creators devised a lot of systems and areas where a light projector could be fitted, and that would mark out (either on the floor or in the air) a safety zone around the person. The zone would be “activated” once the person was surrounded, and would follow them for their whole “journey”.
“A luminous object (like a shopping basket) could light up the zone around the person holding it. By observing the lit-up area, those around would easily know where to stand in complete safety.” Romain
“To come back to Mathilde's idea: ankle bands that mark out a luminous circle (with a diameter of 1m) around us (low power laser). We could use Btwin retractable wristbands, or surfboard leashes.” Ugo
This concept was initially rejected by the panel, who was concerned about the implementation timeframe. However, we decided to retain it as, aside from its popularity among co-creators, we think that a basic version of the system could be used and rolled out on a massive scale. If the solution cannot be implemented in time for the confinement period, it can still be used for deconfinement.
It's not easy to roll out quickly and en masse, but the light marking concept is brilliant”
Make it easier to roll out rural hospitals

Establish a rural hospital using camping equipment
Organise rural hospitals using inflatable tents (easy and quick to erect), taking into consideration the number of patients per tent (one per tent for isolation?) and the overall organisation of all other elements, relative to each other. Include any user-friendly camping equipment that is quick to erect and assemble. Stand all of it on pallet decking and OSB.
“In addition to medical equipment, this could add a little more comfort and warmth for the benefit of patients and medical/care workers”
“Use models that interconnect, so they can be used interchangeably as required. Use these tents as patient rooms, in addition to far more technical facilities required for treating Covid patients (military structures).”
“OK if resuscitation beds with ventilators”
Make it easier to roll out rural hospitals

Create an app to connect rural hospital beds
Linked to a connected wristband, and to a “connected” bed (system for sharing indicators), a "rural hospital” app transmits indicators to medical personnel. The indicators go to the medical staff, not the other way round.
“Encouraging remote medical care that uses isolation bed management.... it's a good idea.”
Make it easier to roll out rural hospitals

Create an app to gather data about available beds and trained emergency workers
There are many places that could be requisitioned if necessary. Many emergency workers are also trained and can be available (identified via the Sauv’Life app).
The idea is to create an app to collect and share real time data and availabilities relating to both infrastructure and people.
After the crisis, the app could be used by towns/cities or departments in the event of disasters or other health crises.
“It already exists, but the need will remain beyond this crisis for all citizens, at local level!”
Improve confinement by enabling everyone to do physical activity

Create and coordinate your own community-based sporting challenge
What if each of us could create and coordinate sports challenges for everyone else?
Here the idea would be to facilitate the launch and coordination of remote sports challenges that respect the confinement rules, and that friends, family, colleagues, neighbours and customers could be invited to participate in.
Everyone will have the ability to accept or decline the suggested challenges.
The idea often incorporates a gaming option, to make the challenge more appealing.
Why not use an app that can generate demand and coordinate community sports challenges?
“Throughout this period, I feel that the difficulty will be motivating ourselves and each other. We are devising challenges with my sporty friends. It may be possible to do a challenge involving points, to motivate people with virtual rankings and awards at the end.” Erick
“Organise the Olympics at home, with sporting challenges done with your family, even in a tiny flat. Like a competition to count steps, in businesses, but now with a Decathlon sports app on your mobile. We can get connected, and talk about what we want to work on and what sort of physical condition we’re in, and play against apartments right across France: challenges involving push-ups, squats, abs, lifting water bottles, etc. Each person posts their scores and the private “tournament” option is open to anyone who wants to organise their own competition. Decathlon’s advice videos can be used to help prevent injuries.” Jean
“Recreates a social link through a series of themed challenges, to bring together different groups in each challenge and retain a significant degree of diversity within these social relationships.”
“Maintains social links while also improving your health!”
Improve confinement by enabling everyone to do physical activity

Launch digital and community-based events
What if we could just create a sports event that we could do with our friends, family and other sports enthusiasts (clubs, customers)?
The idea is to arrange to meet friends to do sport via online videoconferencing, and, together, to follow the same session (private or otherwise) by sharing the social media link.
Why not use a platform to create your event, recruit your trainer and follow the session, all while interacting with your community!
“Evening drinks online is cool, but sport with others really boosts your morale. We got together with friends and tested a Facebook video using a YouTube Zumba video; basically, what with the sychronisation and echo issues, it was carnage! (Especially with the tutorial on one side and our friends on video on the other!) So a fully integrated platform of group sessions would be a great tool! Gym/weight training type activities are more suited to this than Zumba is. The ideal product would be connected to an existing messaging system [WhatsApp] and have an element of Strava-style gaming to rate the challenges: with a Decathlon coach, it would work brilliantly.” Christophe
“Excellent idea (some top level sportspeople have already done this themselves). It’s very easy to do with Skype or similar, if you don't need online sessions. It’s clear that it’s more motivating to do the same session at the same time with other people. The platform could be used to bring people together.”
“We need to create virtual “classrooms” for isolated communities, and this is the beginning. The difficulty will be how to interact with the coach, because if this solution is rolled out on a vast scale then there won't be enough coaches, but Coach videos could work. However, being able to talk within the isolated community is not a problem.”
Improve confinement by enabling everyone to do physical activity

Sports equipment for confinement - always available and sold at reduced prices
What if we had unlimited access to a range of sports products for confinement?
The idea is to sell a range of sports products specific to confinement at knockdown prices for this period, with availability for the health situation at the time (e.g. confinement range products are zero margin or with a 50% discount and VAT-free).
The rental option is also being pushed to make sport at home accessible throughout the confinement period (e.g. rent an exercise bike).
Why not use a rental platform or a sports “drive-thru click and collect” platform.
“I would suggest that some people working in this industry, like equipment manufacturers, could offer sports equipment rental with a range of packages to suit demand, and the ability to buy the equipment at the end of the rental period. For example, for some weight-training and cross-training customers.”
“For sportspeople of all levels, particularly intermediate to top level, we should lower the price of basic equipment and simplify our distribution channels.” Fabien
“Beneficial for health and the economy, and for adopting good habits for the future!”
“The rental idea for the confinement period is an excellent one.”
Improve confinement by enabling everyone to do physical activity

My confinement space as a place for physical exercise
What if we could access a set of exercises that could be adapted to each person's individual confinement space?
The idea is to have access to physical exercise tips adapted to individual needs, using everyday objects and activities.
Why not use an app that would offer sports tips tailored to specific settings entered by the user: choice of everyday objects, choice of main activities for the next day, input of sporting level and current state of health, etc.
“Use everyday objects to do exercise, like water bottles, stairs, etc.
Even children – yesterday evening I did a games session with my 2 year-old son: I threw him in the air twenty times in a row – workout guaranteed!
The day before, I made my 7 year-old daughter into an aeroplane; landing and taking off was great for the abs!” Mickaël
“For me, the key in this type of situation is creativity. What would be really cool would be to suggest sport hacks with everyday objects. We could have fun using water bottles as dumbbells, storage chests as weightlifting benches, and a full screenwash container as a kettlebell... We could also go a bit further and make equipment. I like spending time making some of my own sports equipment (I use them more when I’ve made them myself!). So you could turn a broom handle into a weights bar using two water bottles and some sticky tape, for example. The idea would be to be able to create your own gym with things you have at home.” Eric
“The problem in confinement is being able to do exercise in an area that’s not really designed for it. So, you need to make use of the available space, the "equipment” on hand, and daily tasks, etc. It’s an excellent idea, which could have a shelf-life that goes beyond confinement.”
“A usage that would go beyond this crisis period.”
Improve confinement by enabling everyone to do physical activity

Community board games for confinement
What if we could all play together during confinement, mixing sport with fun!
The idea is to share a game board with several people under the same roof or remotely.
This game can be used as a social link, as physical activity and as mental stimulation.
Why not use a downloadable game or a game planning app, whether collaborative, competitive, short or long. (e.g. confinement Cluedo, confinement Olympics, etc.)?
“Create a confinement sporting board game with challenges for family members under the same roof, and remotely among friends, involving collaborative tournaments and with missions of varying lengths.”
“An initial research phase / treasure hunt - identify the future tools for home gym sessions. We then create a series of sports activity programmes that can be used by either individuals or groups (challenges), and a selection of music. People can post in a forum.” Eric
“It’s a good idea for doing activities together as a family. I see it as a sports board game, as opposed to pure sports activities that can seem a bit off-putting.”
"Excellent idea. Clubs have already developed a snakes and ladders game with simple physical exercises in the squares. The “board game” formula is a fun activity that has no link with behaviour, as there is an element of luck in winning.”