Nijmegen Hike
It is the dream of all walkers. Once in their life to participate in the very first and prestigious hike in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Created in 1909, this trial was for the members of the armed forces. There were 306 to start the first hike and 10 civilians. 4 days of intense walking from garrison to garrison. Today, it is very different. No more garrison, the hike is dedicated to tourism. From villages to country roads between three provinces : Guelderland, Northern-Brabant and Limburg. Everyday people walk 30 to 50 kilometer according to their own level.
55 000 attendees from all over the world gathered the third tuesday of july in 2019. Nijmegen hike is known as the best hike in the world!

Walking Towards The Future
It is no more a secret : Walking brings wellness (body and mind). A reality that inspires people. Feeling great with ourselves and Nature: it has become obvious during our leisure time but not during our professional time... But things are changing. In China, south of Chengdu, some dutch architects (Powerhouse Company) have created a pedestrian path of 5 000 square meters between 2 buildings. It is spectacular! It is a roof and a bridge, this path offers a great space to walk and meditate. This architectural work is called "Loop of Wisdom".