A specific and an exciting action in a game: the penalty corner. When a fault is made in the circle, the attacking team has to go to the backline, 10 meters from the goal. A playerpasses the ball to one of theirteammates outside the circle. This player will shoot or play the ball with their teammates as they have a great forward position, in the circle area while four defenders and the goalkeeper from the other team try to stop them!
- 11 against 11 (10 field players and 1 in goal)
- Each game lasts 40 to 70 minutes depending on age groups (4 x 15 minutes for international games)
- Use only the flat part of the stick to play
- Any part of the body above the knees for outfielders can be considered dangerous
- 91,40 meters long / 55 meters wide.
- Smaller than a soccer goal, bigger than in handball.
- Normally synthetic turf, short and well watered (the ball runs truer).
- Specific part: the circle.
- Half-circle of 16 m radius in front of the goal.
- To score the attacking team must touch the ball inside the circle before hand with the flat side of their stick.