Field Hockey
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The Neverending Passion

The NeverEnding Passion

The NeverEnding Passion

A Never Ending Passion
A Never Ending Passion
Korok Dita Passion Forever

Field hockey is a way of living. Fun, modern, easy to share: with great values, Korok, the Decathlon field hockey brand, puts together passionate teammates, at the highest level, men and women. Korok is made by players for players, and is a true collective project, with new team players and new territories. A very lively brand, always on the move, innovative, Korok offers an easy and quick start to beginners and offers experienced players a great deal of possibilities on the field.

Korok moved closer to a very famous brand in the same field: Dita. This brand was created in the origins of field hockey in 1896, it is a mythical brand, one of the first ones created in field hockey. With a great reputation for its products with a strong technical nature, its family spirit, its values of sharing and togetherness. Dita accepted the collaboration with the Korok brand in 2019. Dita gets stronger with the Decathlon R&D high research and development. Dita offers the Korok brand a unique and rich experience. These two brands complement each other. One for innovation and originality, the other for its long history of trust within field hockey.

The World’s Best Sport on the Podium

Korok-Dita gets digital. Scorrd - the main field hockey platform - offers to everyone the secrets of Korok-Dita. On the platform in one click, you can find news from all over the world, about field hockey, scores, technical information and news, interviews, players information and more.

Fun, modern, easy to share